Monday, July 11, 2005

Nice Guys

I am a firm believer that nice guys finish first. Don't believe me? Sitting there thinking, "But I'm a nice guy and nothing good ever comes my way?"

Are you sure you're a nice guy?

I bet you're not....

Here's the way I see it:
To be a nice guy, you have to let go of the idea that if you do something good, or sweet, or romantic (or whatever), then you deserve to get something in return. "I bought her dinner, I opened the door for her, I did everything right....Why didn't she call me back?"

Because she can smell the expectation on you, buddy. We all can. And no amount of Old Spice will cover it up, either.

When I fall for a Nice Guy, it's never the guy who would get bent out of shape if I didn't call him back after he bought me a slice of pizza. Usually, this is because he is the guy who is totally oblivious to the situation. He didn't buy me pizza because he wanted to ask me out. He bought me pizza because we were both hungry and he had his wallet out first. He's the guy who strikes up a conversation with you because you're wearing the t-shirt of a band you both dig, not because he'd like to see what you've got on underneath. It surprises both parties when attraction hits.

The Nice Guy gets the girl when there are no expectations. No ulterior motives, no matter how benign. The same thing goes for Nice Girls......just like we can all smell expectations, men can smell desperation from miles away.

That's why the true Nice Guys stay under the radar, and all we hear are the posers bitching about how girls only want guys who will treat them bad. We don't.

But we'll take a guy who's honest about his intentions, no matter how unseemly, over a guy who's trying to be something he's not.

If you are gonna be a Nice Guy, do it all the way. Forget your expectations and just leap in, head first. Now THAT is sexy.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

true that!! This is why I expect to finish first when it counts! I am glad you started a blog, Tammaran, and if I ever get around to updating mine, I'll let you know. :)

5:35 PM  

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