Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Tomato in my Underpants

You read that right. Now is the time for the harrowing saga of the day I realized my cats are much more clever than I would like them to be.

I was home from a REALLY long day at my new job (I am the new Development Associate for the theatre at which I interned last year....moving on up? We'll see). I was drinking heavily. I was not really dressed anymore (boyfriend's bathrobe and a beer in my hand would be about it. Sounds much hotter than it actually was). I was chatting on the phone to one of my blonde alter-egos (not the Divine Ms. M this time, but my psycho-twin who we shall refer to as "E-dog"). I was bitching loudly, as I often do after about 4 "Frugal-Joe's" beers. I accidentally stepped in the enormous pile of laundry on my floor, specifically on a pair of underwear I had worn the day before (as many of you know, I am no housekeeper).

The underwear went "squish".

Even whilst inebriated, I knew that this was not good.

I looked down, and I reached for the offending undergarment. I put my hand inside, and pulled out...


My brain reeled as it dawned on me how a tomato could end up in my dirty laundry, in my bedroom which is on the opposite side of the house from my dining room or kitchen.

Then I remembered I had placed a large bowl of my own garden-grown (and quite delicious...At least when not found inside a pair of Victoria's Secret bikinis) grape-tomatoes on my dining room table, for there were a lot of them and not much room in the old fridge.

I raced to the table, set down my beer and cell phone, and peered inside the fated bowl. Lo and Behold, there were roughly 2/3 as many tomatoes in said bowl as there had been that morning.
My cat, specifically the crafty black-furred one who also likes to hoard my socks under the couch in her free time, had figured out how to pick up a tomato in their mouths, drop it on the floor, and bat it around like a bright-red kitty toy.

I had found one missing fruit with my foot.

Where had the others gone? WHEN WOULD I FIND ALL THE TOMATOES?

This was three weeks ago.
I have only found one more tomato: under my recliner.

If you are ever at my lovely apartment, and smell something over-ripe emanating from under a piece of furniture, don't panic.

It's just a tomato, that's all.


Blogger Designated Blonde said...

Too funny! If I were at your house I'd probably steal your tomatoes as well. Contrary to your cats' extra-cirricular activities, I would dine on your home growns. I actually cut up tomato tonight for a snack. Mmmm... the oddities that are my dining habits!

9:36 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

OMG. I read this and almost wet my pants. Which is distinctly different than having a tomato in them, but just as moist. My hubby sent me the link to your blog and this is what he said "this sounds like something that would happen to you.". I cracked up, I guess I'm destined to have my cats putting fruit in my dirty panties as well.

Seriously though, I'd say if you notice a canteloupe is missing one day and then find it in your dirty laundry, then you'd have real cause for alarm. Because then not only have they figured out how to carry the melon, they are also strong enough to do it. World domination, any day now for them.

Great blog. I enjoyed it thoroughly

4:31 PM  

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