Warning: Pretentious rambling to follow...
"I'm looking in on the good life I might be doomed never to find,
Without a trust of flaming fields , am I too dumb to refine?
And if youd 'a took to me like
A gull takes to the wind,
well I'd a' jumped from my tree
And I'd a' danced like the king of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would have fared well..."
-The Shins, New Slang
Ok, so I need to stop with the Garden State Soundtrack already. I'm becoming my own cliche....
There's something about that film and the music the lovely Mr. Braff selected that speaks to me. Perhaps it's that wistful feeling of never really coming home again. I can relate. Actiondale is more of a stopping point on my journeys than anything else these days. "Home" has become something quite relative to me; I don't have much of a sense of place anymore. There are days I wish I could transplant all my beautiful and wonderful friends from across the Eastern Seabord (and, now, West Coast as well) to live in Cincinnati; a town I love dearly but in which I have found it very hard to develop those same bonds of camraderie and friendship that used to come so easily to me.
Alas, other than my smiling face, there's not much incentive for all those beautiful and talented friends of mine to relocate. I can't blame anybody for reluctance to join me in The Queen City. I just wish this town had 1). fewer pretentious hipsters trying to pretend Cincinnati is the next Village, or 2). fewer frigging examples of why progressive, forward-thinking and open minded individuals LEAVE the MidWest (who aren't pretentios hipsters).
I love my life here, but I miss that instant spark of recognition you get from just being around someone (other than your significant other) who truly gets you, who you don't have to explain yourself to.
I also kind of miss MarioKart tournaments.
So here's to making connections, the joy of like minds converging, and Nintendo 64. I fear there are not enough of these ingredients in any of our lives these days.
I love you guys. All three of you who read this. :)
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I understand completely what you mean. I have been struggling with the same feeling for the whole two years I've been here in Winchacha. And, frankly, for most of the four years I was in Cville. Oh, my Tamster, I do miss you. Maybe I'll have to move to Ohio...
Dude- I totally miss you too, and I second what Elizabeth said. However, I think that Ohio might, just might be, a step down from Philly...I don't know though.
I think we should get married every year, and that way we can guarantee a reunion. Any takers?
I miss you too girl. I definately need more cowbell...
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